Mi huevo su huevo, or I'll have to hurt you
Arioch said, "I've noticed that you crack your breakfast egg at the pointy end."
Indagari replied, "I do. So?"
"But you must realise that the government, in reflecting the aspirations of ordinary imaginary people, holds that boiled eggs are to be breached at the broad end, in accordance with custom, and in remembrance of the sacrifice the chooks make to bring us our daily googs."
Indagari was confused. "I still don't see your point."
"You have to stop!" Arioch persevered. "Pointy ends, I mean. It's immoral."
"Custom. Tradition. Our society is built on the lawful penetration of big ends. Anything else leads to anarchy at breakfast."
"Anarchy at breakfast." Indagari did not sound convinced.
"That's right. A complete break-down of all the institutions we hold dear. The collapse of the economy. Children selling sexual favours to each other in the streets. It could happen here you know. The only reason it doesn't is because we have uniformity in our ovophagy!"
"That's stupid. How can my preference for little ends end civilisation as we know it?"
"Well, what if everybody thought like you?" Arioch asked hotly. "If nobody considered their duty to society before their personal whims and preferences?"
"Then at least we'd get some peace at the breakfast table."
"...Pass the fucking toast."
"White or wholemeal?"
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